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Published Articles

How To Unlock Higher Returns By Using No-Fee Indexed Annuities In Your Retirement Portfolio

Optimizing your investment portfolio in retirement has everything to do with achieving the right balance. Traditionally, balancing involved finding the right mix of stocks and bonds, with percentages shifting gradually as risk tolerance and time horizons evolved. But in today’s market, limiting a portfolio’s assets to stocks and bonds could mean limiting your earning potential.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

I’m a Financial Expert: How Much the Middle Class Should Spend on Summer Vacation in 2024

Ahh, summer! With its warm beaches, sunny days and endless relaxation, it’s a lovely break in the middle of the year. And since summer vacation is almost here, many are scrambling to figure out what they’re going to do — and how they’re going to pay for it.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

How to Spend Less on Dining Out, Finance Experts Say

You’re not imagining it—dining out, like everything else in life, has gotten more expensive. Thanks to rising rent rates and increasingly pricy ingredients, restaurant bills are outpacing inflation.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

Understanding The Disconnect Between High Income And Low Net Worth

For those aspiring to affluence, securing a job with a high salary would seem to be a big step in the right direction. However, recent reports reveal that high income alone does not guarantee a high net worth and that a growing number of high earners report that they don’t see themselves as rich. Media reports refer to them as HENRYs, which stands for “High Earners, Not Rich Yet.”

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

How the Upper Middle Class Approaches Investing

Investing is key to protecting and growing wealth, which is why every financial advisor swears by it. So, no matter what income tier you fall in, you need to be investing as aggressively as you can and as early as possible.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

6 Financial Tools and Apps 5 Money Experts Swear By

It’s important to be on top of your finances if you want to build wealth, but finding effective, yet affordable tools for managing your finances can be time-consuming. To help, six financial experts shared their go-to financial apps and tools, all of which are either free or low-cost and perfect for anyone looking to improve their financial health. 

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

The Future Of Financial Advising: Mdrn Capital’s Fully Virtual Model

Like many others in the business world, Aaron Cirksena was forced to pivot when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. As a financial advisor who spends a significant amount of time mapping out investment strategies during face-to-face meetings with clients, the shelter-in-place orders triggered by the pandemic forced him to shift those meetings to a virtual format.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

Here’s How Many Boomers Say Inflation Is Their Top Concern This Election

As the 2024 presidential election fast approaches, many Americans are debating how their votes will affect the economy. Like in other election years, economic issues are top of mind, and this year inflation is a particularly big concern.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

What types of debt can debt relief help with?

Whether you’re dealing with mounting credit card balances, personal loans or any other type of debt, doing so can be unsettling in today’s inflationary environment. With the Federal Reserve’s typical response to high inflation levels being rate hikes, you may be dealing with higher interest rates and payments on your debts than you had a couple of years ago while you cope with higher costs at gas pumps and in checkout lines.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.

Young Americans Face Bleak Tax Future

Experts have warned that taxes to fund essential retirement, disability and healthcare provisions like Social Security and Medicare are likely to grow in the coming decades due to ongoing changes in America’s workforce demographics.

Click here to read the full story and input from Aaron Cirksena.
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